1. Intro

Liquidity gauges allow projects like Curve and Frax to incentivize liquidity with their own governance tokens, CRV and FXS, respectively. In this guide, we walk through the process of creating a Curve gauge and a Frax gauge for your RToken’s Curve pool. You should have a Curve pool deployed before embarking on this guide. Refer to our other guide for instructions on how to do this.

2. Creating a Curve & Convex Gauge

2.1 Seed Your Pool With Liquidity

The first step is to ensure that your RToken Curve pool contains liquidity. If not, someone will need to provide funds to make up the initial liquidity of the pool.

2.2 Proposal for a Gauge

Write a proposal for a gauge on the Curve governance forum at https://gov.curve.fi/. This proposal outlines the details of your intended gauge, providing background information on your RToken. See here for an example proposal to add an eUSD Curve gauge.

2.3 Curve Gauge Proposal

Make a Curve gauge proposal at https://dao.curve.fi/dao. Please note that you will need to hold at least 2500 veCRV to make this proposal.


2.4 Vote for Proposal

Once the proposal is submitted, you should vote "Yes" on other relevant platforms if you hold their governance tokens - Convex (vlCVX), StakeDAO (veSDT), and Curve (veCRV)

2.5 Enact the Proposal

If your proposal passes on Curve, you'll need to hit "Enact" on the gauge vote page. Congratulations! You now have a Curve gauge, which allows veCRV holders to direct token incentives to your RToken pool.

2.6 Add Your Pool to Convex

Once your gauge is live, and at least one person has voted on direct CRV emissions to your gauge, you can add your pool to Convex.

To do so, visit this link: https://etherscan.io/address/0xc461E1CE3795Ee30bA2EC59843d5fAe14d5782D5#writeContract. Put the gauge address in the second “addPool” field that only has a gauge address field and execute the transaction.


3. Creating a Frax Gauge

Completing the previous step is a prerequisite to creating the Frax gauge. Your RToken Curve pool must also be paired with an eligible Frax token (either frxETH or FRAXBP). Having met these criteria, following are the steps to create the gauge: